Price Reduction on our GPU instances - Get the best value for the lowest prices in the market!

Price Reduction on our GPU instances - Get the best value for the lowest prices in the market!

Our commitment to renewable energy means that we can offer the best prices in the market and at the same time guarantee that our cloud infrastructure is green at the source. Read more

Introduction to transformer models and Hugging Face library

Introduction to transformer models and Hugging Face library

Leverage the latest gained knowledge and take immediate action: use Genesis Cloud’s powerful GPU computing services to build and train your models. Read more

New Study on Competitive Machine Learning in 2022 Sponsored by Genesis Cloud: Insights and Strategies for Success

New Study on Competitive Machine Learning in 2022 Sponsored by Genesis Cloud: Insights and Strategies for Success

Leverage the latest gained knowledge and take immediate action: use Genesis Cloud’s powerful GPU computing services to build and train your models. Read more

A glimpse into the future of AI-powered innovation

A glimpse into the future of AI-powered innovation

A close-up on the organization of a hackathon focused on the prediction of floods in Passau run on Genesis Cloud - A guest blog post by United AI e.V. Read more

Fostering the Bavarian AI ecosystem

Fostering the Bavarian AI ecosystem

On February 2023, Genesis Cloud took part in the first Bavarian International Conference on AI in Munich. Read more